Wills, Power of Attorney, Estate Planning

At TMA Law, we know the importance of having qualified and experienced guidance when preparing your will and working on your estate.

Our services include:

  • A detailed estate questionnaire
  • Drafting your will to make sure it expresses your wishes clearly and is as simple as possible to administer
  • Consideration of family dynamics to minimize the chances of resentment, or inadvertently forgetting anyone
  • Consideration for the needs of your family, including disabled beneficiaries
  • Discussion of different types of trusts
  • Various estate planning techniques to avoid unnecessary fees and taxes
  • Guidance and advice in communicating with your family on the estate matters so that there are no unpleasant surprises
  • Discussion of topics that may be of special interest to you, such as second marriages and their effects on your estate plan
  • Assistance with setting up powers of attorney, for property or personal care